Package 'netgsa'

Title: Network-Based Gene Set Analysis
Description: Carry out Network-based Gene Set Analysis by incorporating external information about interactions among genes, as well as novel interactions learned from data. Implements methods described in Shojaie A, Michailidis G (2010) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asq038>, Shojaie A, Michailidis G (2009) <doi:10.1089/cmb.2008.0081>, and Ma J, Shojaie A, Michailidis G (2016) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw410>
Authors: Michael Hellstern [aut, cre], Ali Shojaie [aut], Jing Ma [aut], Kun Yue [aut]
Maintainer: Michael Hellstern <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3)
Version: 4.0.3
Built: 2025-02-12 04:29:06 UTC

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Network-Based Gene Set Analysis


The netgsa-package provides functions for carrying out Network-based Gene Set Analysis by incorporating external information about interactions among genes, as well as novel interactions learned from data.


Package: netgsa
Type: Package
Version: 3.1.0
Date: 2019-03-12
License: GPL (>=2)


Ali Shojaie <[email protected]> and Jing Ma <[email protected]>


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010a). Penalized likelihood methods for estimation of sparse high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs. Biometrika 97(3), 519-538.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010b). Network enrichment analysis in complex experiments. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9(1), Article 22.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2009). Analysis of gene sets based on the underlying regulatory network. Journal of Computational Biology, 16(3), 407-426.

See Also


Add user edgelist to edgelist found in graphite


Combine user edges with those identified in graphite. This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.


addUserEdges(non_user_edges, user_edges)



Data.table of user edges found in graphite databases


Data.table of user edges


This function reconciles conflicting information between user edges and edges found in graphite. This function gives preference to user information. For example, if the user specifies a frequency for an edge that will be used rather than the frequency calculated from the graphite databases.


A data.table of edges including both user specified and graphite identified edges.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Bayesian information criterion to select the tuning parameters for netEst.undir


This function uses the Bayesian information criterion to select the optimal tuning parameters needed in netEst.undir.


bic.netEst.undir(x, zero = NULL, one = NULL, lambda, rho = NULL, weight = NULL, 
                 eta = 0, verbose = FALSE, eps = 1e-08)



The p×np \times n data matrix as in netEst.undir.


(Optional) indices of entries of the matrix to be constrained to be zero. The input should be a matrix of p×pp \times p, with 1 at entries to be constrained to be zero and 0 elsewhere. The matrix must be symmetric.


(Optional) indices of entries of the matrix to be kept regardless of the regularization parameter for lasso. The input is similar to that of zero and needs to be symmetric.


(Non-negative) user-supplied lambda sequence.


(Non-negative) numeric scalar representing the regularization parameter for estimating the weights in the inverse covariance matrix. This is the same as rho in the graphical lasso algorithm glassoFast.


(Optional) whether to add penalty to known edges. If NULL (default), then the known edges are assumed to be true. If nonzero, then a penalty equal to lambda * weight is added to penalize the known edges to account for possible uncertainty. Only non-negative values are accepted for the weight parameter.


(Non-negative) a small constant added to the diagonal of the empirical covariance matrix of X to ensure it is well conditioned. By default, eta is set to 0.


Whether to print out information as estimation proceeds. Default=FALSE.


Numeric scalar >=0>=0, indicating the tolerance level for differentiating zero and non-zero edges: entries << eps will be set to 0.


Let Σ^\hat\Sigma represent the empirical covariance matrix of data x. For a given λ\lambda, denote the estimated inverse covariance matrix by Ω^λ\hat\Omega_{\lambda}. the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is defined as

trace(Σ^Ω^λ)logdet(Ω^λ)+lognndf,trace(\hat\Sigma \hat\Omega_{\lambda}) - \log \det (\hat\Omega_{\lambda}) + \frac{\log n}{n} \cdot df,

where dfdf represents the degrees of freedom in the selected model and can be estimated via the number of edges in Ω^λ\hat\Omega_{\lambda}. The optimal tuning parameter is selected as the one that minimizes the BIC over the range of lambda.

Note when the penalty parameter lambda is too large, the estimated adjacency matrix may be zero. The function will thus return a warning message.



The values of lambda used.


The values of weight used.


If weight=NULL, then a numeric vector of the same length as lambda with the corresponding BIC. If weight is a vector, then a matrix of size length(lambda) by length(weight) with the corresponding BIC.


The degrees of freedom corresponding to each BIC.


Jing Ma


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Breast cancer data from TCGA (2012).


An example data set consisting of RNA-seq gene expression data, KEGG pathways, edge list and non-edge list.




A list with components


The p×np \times n data matrix.


The vector of class indicators of length nn.


A list of KEGG pathways.


A data frame of edges, each row corresponding to one edge.


A data frame of nonedges, each row corresponding to one negative edge.


Matrix with pathway indicators


Cancer Genome Atlas Network. (2012). Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 490(7418), 61.



Check user edgelist for errors


Read in user edgelist as data.table and check the column formatting and check for conflicting information. This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.


checkUserEdges(edgelist, non_edges)



File path to user specified edgelist. Read in with data.table::fread


File path to user specified non-edgelist. Read in with data.table::fread


This function checks to make sure there is the correct number of columns specified in the edgeslist (4 or 5). It also checks for non-numeric values and to see if there is inconsistent information such as an edge specified in the non-edgelist and the edgelist.


A list with components


A data.table of the user specified edges


A data.table of the user specified non-edges


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Convert edgelist and list of non-edges to zero/one adjacency matrices


Convert edgelist and list of non-edges to zero/one matrices used in netEst.dir and netEst.undir. This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.


convertEdgeListToZeroOne(edgelist, non_edges, genes, genes_not_in_dbs)



Data.table of all edges (user specified and those found in graphite)


Data.table of all non-edges. Graphite doesn't give non-edges so this should only be user specified


Character vector of genes


Character vector of genes not found in the graphite databases


This function converts edges and non-edges into both the zero and one matrices used in netEst.dir and netEst.undir. If two genes are in the graphite databases, but we don't see an edge between them they are classified as having a non-edge. However, if they are not in the graphite database we classify them as having neither an edge between them nor a non-edge between them. We are essentially assuming we have no information on these. The entries in both the zero and one matrices will be 0.


A list with components


A pxp matrix with the number of graphite databases a specific edge occurs in as the value


A pxp matrix. Values are 1 if the edge occurs at least once, 0 otherwise


A pxp matrix. Values are 1 if we know this is not an edge, 0 otherwise


Logical indicating if our edgelist is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Checked using igraph::is_dag


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


A data frame of edges, each row corresponding to one edge


A data frame of edges, each row corresponding to one edge




An object of class data.frame with 2959 rows and 4 columns.

Format cytoscape nested networks


Format cytoscape nested networks using preset NetGSA format


formatPathways(x, pways, graph_layout = NULL)



A NetGSA object returned from calling NetGSA()


Character vector of pathways to format


(Optional) Layout to pass to plots. Must be a string for Cytoscape which will be passed to RCy3::layoutNetwork.


Loads gene testing data into each pathway. Genes are tested using an F-test if there are 2 or more conditions or a two-sided one-class t-test against the null hypothesis of mean = 0 if there is only one condition. FDR corrected q-values are mapped to the color of the node. The scale ranges from 0 to 1 with red represents q-values of 0 and white representing q-values of 1. Loaded data includes: p-value from the F-test/t-test (pval), FDR corrected q-value (pFdr), test statistic from the F-test/t-test (teststat).

Custom formatting can be applied using the cytoscape GUI or the RCy3 pacakge.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also




## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

db_edges       <- obtainEdgeList(rownames(sx), databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"))
adj_cluster    <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = db_edges, cluster = TRUE)
out_cluster    <- NetGSA(adj_cluster[["Adj"]], sx, group, pathways_mat[c(24, 52), rownames(sx)], lklMethod = "REHE", sampling = FALSE, sample_n = 0.1, sample_p = 0.1)

### Cytoscape closed or open
my_layout <- function(graph) layout_with_graphopt(graph = graph, spring.length = 1000, spring.constant = 0.00004)
formatPathways(out_cluster, "ErbB signaling pathway")

The vector of class indicators


The vector of class indicators




An object of class numeric of length 520.

Constrained estimation of directed networks


Estimates a directed network using a lasso (L1) penalty.


netEst.dir(x, zero = NULL, one = NULL, lambda, verbose = FALSE, eps = 1e-08)



The p×np \times n data matrix.


(Optional) indices of entries of the matrix to be constrained to be zero. The input should be a matrix of p×pp \times p, with 1 at entries to be constrained to be zero and 0 elsewhere.


(Optional) indices of entries of the matrix to be kept regardless of the regularization parameter for lasso. The input is similar to that of zero.


(Non-negative) numeric scalar or a vector of length p1p-1 representing the regularization parameters for nodewise lasso. If lambda is a scalar, the same penalty will be used for all p1p-1 lasso regressions. By default (lambda=NULL), the vector of lambda is defined as

λj(α)=2n1/2Zα2p(j1),j=2,,p.\lambda_j(\alpha) = 2 n^{-1/2} Z^*_{\frac{\alpha}{2p(j-1)}}, \quad j=2,\ldots,p.

Here ZqZ^*_q represents the (1q)(1-q)-th quantile of the standard normal distribution and α\alpha is a positive constant between 0 and 1. See Shojaie and Michailidis (2010a) for details on the choice of tuning parameters.


Whether to print out information as estimation proceeds. Default = FALSE.


(Non-negative) numeric scalar indicating the tolerance level for differentiating zero and non-zero edges: entries with magnitude << eps will be set to 0.


The function netEst.dir performs constrained estimation of a directed network using a lasso (L1) penalty, as described in Shojaie and Michailidis (2010a). Two sets of constraints determine subsets of entries of the weighted adjacency matrix that should be exactly zero (the option zero argument), or should take non-zero values (option one argument). The remaining entries will be estimated from data.

The arguments one and/or zero can come from external knowledge on the 0-1 structure of underlying network, such as a list of edges and/or non-edges learned from available databases.

In this function, it is assumed that the columns of xx are ordered according to a correct (Wald) causal order, such that no xjx_j is a parent of xkx_k (kjk \le j). Given the causal ordering of nodes, the resulting adjacency matrix is lower triangular (see Shojaie & Michailidis, 2010b). Thus, only lower triangular parts of zero and one are used in this function. For this reason, it is important that both of these matrices are also ordered according to the causal order of the nodes in xx. To estimate the network, first each node is regressed on the known edges (one). The residual obtained from this regression is then used to find the additional edges, among the nodes that could potentially interact with the given node (those not in zero).

This function is closely related to NetGSA, which requires the weighted adjacency matrix as input. When the user does not have complete information on the weighted adjacency matrix, but has data (not necessarily the same as the x in NetGSA) and external information (one and/or zero) on the adjacency matrix, then netEst.dir can be used to estimate the remaining interactions in the adjacency matrix using the data. Further, when it is anticipated that the adjacency matrices under different conditions are different, and data from different conditions are available, the user needs to run netEst.dir separately to obtain estimates of the adjacency matrices under each condition.

The algorithm used in netEst.undir is based on glmnet. Please refer to glmnet for computational details.


A list with components


The weighted adjacency matrix of dimension p×pp \times p. This is the matrix that will be used in NetGSA.


The influence matrix of dimension p×pp \times p.


The values of tuning parameters used.


Ali Shojaie


Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010a). Penalized likelihood methods for estimation of sparse high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs. Biometrika 97(3), 519-538.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010b). Network enrichment analysis in complex experiments. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9(1), Article 22.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2009). Analysis of gene sets based on the underlying regulatory network. Journal of Computational Biology, 16(3), 407-426.

See Also

prepareAdjMat, glmnet

Constrained estimation of undirected networks


Estimates a sparse inverse covariance matrix using a lasso (L1) penalty.


netEst.undir(x, zero = NULL, one = NULL, lambda, rho=NULL, penalize_diag = TRUE, weight = NULL, 
             eta = 0, verbose = FALSE, eps = 1e-08)



The p×np \times n data matrix with rows referring to genes and columns to samples.


(Optional) indices of entries of the weighted adjacency matrix to be constrained to be zero. The input should be a matrix of p×pp \times p, with 1 at entries to be constrained to be zero and 0 elsewhere. The matrix must be symmetric.


(Optional) indices of entries of the weighted adjacency matrix to be kept regardless of the regularization parameter for lasso. The input is similar to that of zero and needs to be symmetric.


(Non-negative) numeric vector representing the regularization parameters for lasso. Can choose best based on BIC using bic.netEst.undir


(Non-negative) numeric scalar or symmetric p×pp \times p matrix representing the regularization parameter for estimating the weights in the inverse covariance matrix. This is the same as rho in the graphical lasso algorithm glassoFast.


Logical. Whether or not to penalize diagonal entries when estimating weighted adjacency matrix. If TRUE a small penalty is used, otherwise no penalty is used.


(Optional) whether to add penalty to known edges. If NULL (default), then the known edges are assumed to be true. If nonzero, then a penalty equal to lambda * weight is added to penalize the known edges to account for possible uncertainty. Only non-negative values are accepted for the weight parameter.


(Non-negative) a small constant added to the diagonal of the empirical covariance matrix of X to ensure it is well conditioned. By default, eta is set to 0.


Whether to print out information as estimation proceeds. Default = FALSE.


(Non-negative) numeric scalar indicating the tolerance level for differentiating zero and non-zero edges: entries with magnitude << eps will be set to 0.


The function netEst.undir performs constrained estimation of sparse inverse covariance (concentration) matrices using a lasso (L1) penalty, as described in Ma, Shojaie and Michailidis (2016). Two sets of constraints determine subsets of entries of the inverse covariance matrix that should be exactly zero (the option zero argument), or should take non-zero values (option one argument). The remaining entries will be estimated from data.

The arguments one and/or zero can come from external knowledge on the 0-1 structure of underlying concentration matrix, such as a list of edges and/or non-edges learned from available databases.

netEst.undir estimates both the support (0-1 structure) of the concentration matrix, or equivalently, the adjacency matrix of the corresponding Gaussian graphical model, for a given tuning parameter, lambda; and the concentration matrix with diagonal entries set to 0, or equivalently, the weighted adjacency matrix. The weighted adjacency matrix is estimated using maximum likelihood based on the estimated support. The parameter rho controls the amount of regularization used in the maximum likelihood step. A small rho is recommended, as a large value of rho may result in too much regularization in the maximum likelihood estimation, thus further penalizing the support of the weighted adjacency matrix. Note this function is suitable only for estimating the adjacency matrix of a undirected graph. The weight parameter allows one to specify whether to penalize the known edges. If known edges obtained from external information contain uncertainty such that some of them are spurious, then it is recommended to use a small positive weight parameter to select the most probable edges from the collection of known ones.

This function is closely related to NetGSA, which requires the weighted adjacency matrix as input. When the user does not have complete information on the weighted adjacency matrix, but has data (x, not necessarily the same as the x in NetGSA) and external information (one and/or zero) on the adjacency matrix, then netEst.undir can be used to estimate the remaining interactions in the adjacency matrix using the data. Further, when it is anticipated that the adjacency matrices under different conditions are different, and data from different conditions are available, the user needs to run netEst.undir separately to obtain estimates of the adjacency matrices under each condition.

The algorithm used in netEst.undir is based on glmnet and glasso. Please refer to glmnet and glasso for computational details.


A list with components


List of weighted adjacency matrices (partial correlations) of dimension p×pp \times p, with diagonal entries set to 0. Each element in the list is the weighted adjacency matric corresponding to each value in lambda. Each element is a matrix that will be used in NetGSA.


List of estimated inverse covariance matrix of dimension p×pp \times p.


List of values of tuning parameters used.


Jing Ma & Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also

prepareAdjMat, bic.netEst.undir, glmnet




## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx <- x[match(genenames, rownames(x)),]
if (sum(>0){
  sx <- sx[-which(,]
p <- length(genenames)

## zero/one matrices should be based on known non-edges/known edges. Random used as an example
one <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), length(rownames(sx))**2, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9, 0.1)), length(rownames(sx)), dimnames = list(rownames(sx), rownames(sx)))

ncond <- length(unique(group))
Amat <- vector("list",ncond)
for (k in 1:ncond){
    data_c <- sx[,(group==k)]
    fitBIC <- bic.netEst.undir(data_c,one=one,
    fit <- netEst.undir(data_c,one=one,
    Amat[[k]] <- fit$Adj

Estimates network for each cluster


Estimates network using netEst.dir or netEst.undir for each cluster. This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.


netEstClusts(grp, X, group, net_info, n, lambda_c, eta, net_clusters, penalize_diag)



Specific group to analyze e.g. condition 1, 2, etc. Same type as group


p×np \times n data matrix


Vector specifying which columns in the data matrix correspond to which condition or group


List with named elements "zero" and "one" corresponding to the zero and one information matrices used in netEst.dir and netEst.undir


Vector of the total number of observations for grp. Used to determine lambda in netEst.dir and netEst.undir


lambda constant. Used to determine lambda in netEst.dir and netEst.undir


Value of eta passed to netEst.undir


Named numeric vector specifying which genes correspond to which clusters. Names are genes and the values are their corresponding clusters


TRUE/FALSE - whether or not to penalize diagonal


This function loops through each cluster and calls netEst.undir or netEst.dir with the relevant parameters.


A list with components


List of the weighted adjacency matrices (partial correlations) for each cluster. The structure is Adj[[cluster]]. If cluster = FALSE, Adj[[cluster]] only has one element. Note this is used in a lapply where we loop over the groups giving us the final Adj[[condition]][[cluster]] structure.


List of estimated inverse covariance matrices for each cluster. The structure is invcov[[cluster]]. If cluster = FALSE, invcov[[cluster]] only has one element


List of values of tuning parameters used for each cluster.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Network-based Gene Set Analysis


Tests the significance of pre-defined sets of genes (pathways) with respect to an outcome variable, such as the condition indicator (e.g. cancer vs. normal, etc.), based on the underlying biological networks.


NetGSA(A, x, group, pathways, lklMethod = "REHE", 
       sampling=FALSE, sample_n = NULL, sample_p = NULL, minsize=5, 
       eta = 0.1, lim4kappa = 500)



A list of weighted adjacency matrices. Typically returned from prepareAdjMat


The p×np \times n data matrix with rows referring to genes and columns to samples. It is very important that the adjacency matrices A share the same rownames as the data matrix x.


Vector of class indicators of length nn.


The npath by pp indicator matrix for pathways.


Method used for variance component calculation: options are ML (maximum likelihood), REML (restricted maximum likelihood), HE (Haseman-Elston regression) or REHE (restricted Haseman-Elston regression). See details.


(Logical) whether to subsample the observations and/or variables. See details.


The ratio for subsampling the observations if sampling=TRUE.


The ratio for subsampling the variables if sampling=TRUE.


Minimum number of genes in pathways to be considered.


Approximation limit for the Influence matrix. See 'Details'.


Limit for condition number (used to adjust eta). See 'Details'.


The function NetGSA carries out a Network-based Gene Set Analysis, using the method described in Shojaie and Michailidis (2009) and Shojaie and Michailidis (2010). It can be used for gene set (pathway) enrichment analysis where the data come from KK heterogeneous conditions, where KK, or more. NetGSA differs from Gene Set Analysis (Efron and Tibshirani, 2007) in that it incorporates the underlying biological networks. Therefore, when the networks encoded in A are empty, one should instead consider alternative approaches such as Gene Set Analysis (Efron and Tibshirani, 2007).

The NetGSA method is formulated in terms of a mixed linear model. Let XX represent the rearrangement of data x into an np×1np \times 1 column vector.

X=Ψβ+Πγ+ϵX=\Psi \beta + \Pi \gamma + \epsilon

where β\beta is the vector of fixed effects, γ\gamma and ϵ\epsilon are random effects and random errors, respectively. The underlying biological networks are encoded in the weighted adjacency matrices, which determine the influence matrix under each condition. The influence matrices further determine the design matrices Ψ\Psi and Π\Pi in the mixed linear model. Formally, the influence matrix under each condition represents the effect of each gene on all the other genes in the network and is calculated from the adjacency matrix (A[[k]] for the kk-th condition). A small value of eta is used to make sure that the influence matrices are well-conditioned (i.e. their condition numbers are bounded by lim4kappa.)

The problem is then to test the null hypothesis β=0\ell\beta = 0 against the alternative β0\ell\beta \neq 0, where \ell is a contrast vector, optimally defined through the underlying networks. For a one-sample or two-sample test, the test statistic TT for each gene set has approximately a t-distribution under the null, whose degrees of freedom are estimated using the Satterthwaite approximation method. When analyzing complex experiments involving multiple conditions, often multiple contrast vectors of interest are considered for a specific subnetwork. Alternatively, one can combine the contrast vectors into a contrast matrix LL. A different test statistic FF will be used. Under the null, FF has an F-distribution, whose degrees of freedom are calculated based on the contrast matrix LL as well as variances of γ\gamma and ϵ\epsilon. The fixed effects β\beta are estimated by generalized least squares, and the estimate depends on estimated variance components of γ\gamma and ϵ\epsilon.

Estimation of the variance components (σϵ2\sigma^2_{\epsilon} and σγ2\sigma^2_{\gamma}) can be done in several different ways after profiling out σϵ2\sigma^2_{\epsilon}, including REML/ML which uses Newton's method or HE/REHE which is based on the Haseman-Elston regression method. The latter notes the fact that Var(X)=σγ2ΠΠ+σϵ2IVar(X)=\sigma^2_{\gamma}\Pi*\Pi' + \sigma^2_{\epsilon}I, and uses an ordinary least squares to solve for the unknown coefficients after vectorizing both sides. In particular, REHE uses nonnegative least squares for the regression and therefore ensures nonnegative estimate of the variance components. Due to the simple formulation, HE/REHE also allows subsampling with respect to both the samples and the variables, and is recommended especially when the problem is large (i.e. large pp and/or large nn).

The pathway membership information is stored in pathways, which should be a matrix of npathnpath x pp. See prepareAdjMat for details on how to prepare a suitable pathway membership object.

This function can deal with both directed and undirected networks, which are specified via the option directed. Note NetGSA uses slightly different procedures to calculate the influence matrices for directed and undirected networks. In either case, the user can still apply NetGSA if only partial information on the adjacency matrices is available. The functions netEst.undir and netEst.dir provide details on how to estimate the weighted adjacency matrices from data based on available network information.


A list with components


A data frame with pathway names, pathway sizes, p-values and false discovery rate corrected q-values, and test statistic for all pathways.


Vector of fixed effects of length kpkp, the first k elements corresponds to condition 1, the second k to condition 2, etc


Variance of the random errors ϵ\epsilon.


Variance of the random effects γ\gamma.


List of components needed in plot.NetGSA.


Ali Shojaie and Jing Ma


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010). Network enrichment analysis in complex experiments. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9(1), Article 22.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2009). Analysis of gene sets based on the underlying regulatory network. Journal of Computational Biology, 16(3), 407-426.

See Also

prepareAdjMat, netEst.dir, netEst.undir


## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

db_edges       <- obtainEdgeList(rownames(sx), databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"))
adj_cluster    <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = db_edges, cluster = TRUE)
out_cluster    <- NetGSA(adj_cluster[["Adj"]], sx, group, pathways_mat[c(24, 52), rownames(sx)], lklMethod = "REHE", sampling = FALSE, sample_n = 0.1, sample_p = 0.1)

"Quick" Network-based Gene Set Analysis


Quick version of NetGSA


NetGSAq(x, group, pathways, lambda_c = 1, file_e = NULL, file_ne = NULL,
    lklMethod="REHE", cluster = TRUE, sampling = TRUE, sample_n = NULL,
    sample_p = NULL, minsize=5, eta=0.1, lim4kappa=500)



See x argument in NetGSA


See group argument in NetGSA


See pathways argument in NetGSA


See lambda_c argument in prepareAdjMat


See file_e argument in prepareAdjMat


See file_ne argument in prepareAdjMat


See lklMethod argument in NetGSA


See cluster argument in prepareAdjMat


See sampling argument in NetGSA


See sample_n argument in NetGSA


See sample_p argument in NetGSA


See minsize argument in NetGSA


See eta argument in NetGSA


See lim4kappa argument in NetGSA


This is a wrapper function to perform weighted adjacency matrix estimation and pathway enrichment in one step. For more details see ?prepareAdjMat and ?NetGSA.


A list with components


A data frame with pathway names, pathway sizes, p-values and false discovery rate corrected q-values, and test statistic for all pathways.


Vector of fixed effects of length kpkp, the first k elements corresponds to condition 1, the second k to condition 2, etc.


Variance of the random errors ϵ\epsilon.


Variance of the random effects γ\gamma.


List of components needed in plot.NetGSA.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2010). Network enrichment analysis in complex experiments. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9(1), Article 22.

Shojaie, A., & Michailidis, G. (2009). Analysis of gene sets based on the underlying regulatory network. Journal of Computational Biology, 16(3), 407-426.

See Also

prepareAdjMat, netEst.dir, netEst.undir


## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

out_clusterq <- NetGSAq(sx, group, pathways_mat[c(24, 52), rownames(sx)])

A data frame of nonedges, each row corresponding to one negative edge


A data frame of nonedges, each row corresponding to one negative edge




An object of class data.frame with 20 rows and 4 columns.

Estimate optimal gene clustering structure


Tries six different clustering methods and chooses the one with the best results. This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.


obtainClusters(A, order, cluster)



A 0-1 adjacency matrix


Final ordering of genes/metabs to be consistent with order you passed data in


Whether or not to cluster (TRUE/FALSE). We always cluster connected components, but if cluster = TRUE we cluster further


This function tries the six different clustering methods in igraph and chooses the best one. As stated in prepareAdjMat the six methods evaluated are: cluster_walktrap, cluster_leading_eigen, cluster_fast_greedy, cluster_label_prop, cluster_infomap, and cluster_louvain. See prepareAdjMat for how the best is chosen. Even if cluster = FALSE, connected components of the 0-1 adjacency matrix are used as clusters.

It is essential that the order of the returned named numeric vector must be in the same order as the rows of the data matrix.


Named numeric vector of membership. The name of each element is the corresponding gene and the value is the cluster it belongs to.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Obtain edgelist from graphite databases. To be used within prepareAdjMat


Find all edges between genes in the specified graphite databases.


obtainEdgeList(genes, databases)



Character vector of gene ID and gene value. The ID and gene value should be separated by a colon. E.g. "ENTREZID:127550". It is very important to have these separated by a colon since obtainEdgeList uses regular expressions to split this into gene value and gene ID.


Character vector of graphite databases you wish to search for edges. Options are: biocarta, kegg, nci, panther, pathbank, pharmgkb, reactome, smpdb, ndex. Note NDEx is recommended for expert users, see details.


obtainEdgeList searches through the specified databases to find edges between genes in the genes argument. Since one can search in multiple databases with different identifiers, genes are converted using AnnotationDbi::select and metabolites are converted using graphite:::metabolites(). Databases are also used to specify non-edges. This function searches through graphite databases and also has the option to search NDEx (public databases only). However, since NDEx is open-source and does not contain curated edge information like graphite, NDEx database search is a beta function and is only recommended for expert users. When searching through NDEx, gene identifiers are not converted. Only, the gene identifiers passed to the genes argument are used to search through NDEx. NDEx contains some very large networks with millions of edges and extracting those of interest can be slow.

This function is particularly useful if the user wants to create an edgelist outside of prepareAdjMat. graphite and it's databases are constantly updated. Creating and storing an edgelist outside of prepareAdjMat may help reproducibility as this guarantees the same external information is used. It can also speed up computation since if only a character vector of databases is passed to prepareAdjMat, it calls obtainEdgeList each time and each call can take several minutes. The edges from obtainEdgeList are used to create the 0-1 adjacency matrices used in netEst.undir and netEst.dir.

Using obtainEdgeList to generate edge information is highly recommended as this performs all the searching and conversion of genes to common identifiers. Inclusion of additional edges, removal of edges, or other user modifications to edgelists should be through the file_e and file_ne arguments in prepareAdjMat.


A list of class obtainedEdgeList with components


A data.table listing the edges. One row per edge. Edges are assumed to be directed. So if an edge is undirected there will be two rows.


A vector of genes specified, but were not found in the databases searched


Michael Hellstern

See Also

prepareAdjMat, netEst.dir, netEst.undir


genes <- paste0("ENTREZID:", c("10000", "10298", "106821730", "10718", "1398", "1399", "145957", "1839", "1950", "1956"))

out <- obtainEdgeList(genes, c("kegg", "reactome"))

A list of KEGG pathways


A list of KEGG pathways




An object of class list of length 100.

Matrix with pathway indicators


Matrix with pathway indicators




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 100 rows and 2598 columns.

Generates NetGSA plots


Generates network plots in Cytoscape and igraph


## S3 method for class 'NetGSA'
plot(x, graph_layout = NULL, rescale_node = c(2,10), rescale_label = c(0.5,0.6), ...)



An object of class "NetGSA" returned from calling NetGSA()


(Optional) Layout to pass to plots. Either a function for igraph plots (when Cytoscape not open) or a string for Cytoscape. The igraph function should only take one parameter (an igraph object). See igraph::layout_ for more details. For example one might create a custom layout by setting the spring.length and spring.constant with: my_layout <- function(graph) layout_with_graphopt(graph = graph, spring.length = 1000, spring.constant = 0.00004). The string for Cytoscape will be passed to RCy3::layoutNetwork.


(Optional) Node size rescaling to pass to igraph plots. Must be a vector of length 2 with the first element being the minimum node size and the second being the maximum.


(Optional) Label size rescaling to pass to igraph plots. Must be a vector of length 2 with the first element being the minimum node size and the second being the maximum.


Other arguments not used by this method


One of two options can occur.

(1) If Cytoscape is open on the user's computer, a nested network will be created. The main network is the interactions between pathways. In this graph, there is one node for each pathway. An edge is drawn between pathways if there is at least one edge between genes of each pathway. That is if gene A is in pathway 1 and gene B is in pathway 2, pathway 1 and pathway 2 will have an edge if gene A and gene B have an edge. Note self-edges are not drawn. The value of the test statistic is mapped to node color. Large negative values of the test statistic are orange, values around 0 are white and large positive values are blue. FDR corrected q-values are mapped to the border color of the node. The scale ranges from 0 to 1 with red representing q-values of 0 and white representing q-values of 1. Pathway size is mapped to node size so pathways with more genes are larger. Each pathway node is also linked to its network of genes so the user can see individual gene interactions within a pathway. These can be accessed by right clicking the node -> Nested Networks -> Go To Nested Network. Alternatively, the corresponding nested network has the same name as the pathway so the user can click on the network directly in the Control Panel/Network menu. It is important to note that plot.NetGSA generates default plots and loads in data into Cytoscape, but the user can customize the plots however they like using RCy3 or the Cytoscape GUI directly.

To save time, the nested networks are not formatted. One can apply NetGSA's formatting using formatPathways

For custom formatting, the node data that is loaded into Cytoscape includes the pathway results from NetGSA: Pathway size (pSize), p-value (pval), FDR corrected q-value (pFDR), test statistic (teststat) and pathway name. The edge data loaded into Cytoscape is: total number of edges between two pathways (weight). For example weight of 10 between pathway 1 and pathway 2 means there are 10 edges between the genes of pathway 1 and the genes of pathway 2.

There are two R plots also generated. The first is the legend for Cytoscape. The legend shows the mapping for node color (test statistic) and node border color (FDR corrected q-value). This is generated in R because there does not seem to be a reliable way to plot the legend for the main network (interactions between pathways). The second plot is a plot of the main network created in igraph. It mimics the Cytoscape plot as closely as possible. NetGSA exports the x and y coordinates of the nodes in the Cytoscape layout and uses them in the igraph layout. Custom layouts can be passed to this using the graph_layout argument. The user can also zoom-in on individual pathways in igraph using the zoomPathway function.

(2) If Cytoscape is not open, the igraph::rglplot function is used to plot the main network (interactions between pathways). The default layout used is layout_on_sphere, but custom layouts can be specified with the graph_layout argument. The other plot generated is the legend since it is difficult to plot on rglplot.


No return value, plots NetGSA object


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also




## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

db_edges       <- obtainEdgeList(rownames(sx), databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"))
adj_cluster    <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = db_edges, cluster = TRUE)
out_cluster    <- NetGSA(adj_cluster[["Adj"]], sx, group, pathways_mat[c(24, 52), rownames(sx)], lklMethod = "REHE", sampling = FALSE, sample_n = 0.1, sample_p = 0.1)

### Cytoscape closed or open

Construct adjacency matrices from graphite databases and/or user provided network information


Read the network information from any of the graphite databases specified by the user and construct the adjacency matrices needed for NetGSA. This function also allows for clustering. See details for more information


prepareAdjMat(x, group, databases = NULL, cluster = TRUE,
       file_e=NULL, file_ne=NULL, lambda_c=1, penalize_diag=TRUE, eta=0.5)



The p×np \times n data matrix with rows referring to genes and columns to samples. Row names should be unique and have gene ID types appended to them. The id and gene number must be separated by a colon. E.g. "ENTREZID:127550"


Vector of class indicators of length nn. Identifies the condition for each of the nn samples


(Optional) Either (1) the result of a call to obtainEdgeList or (2) a character vector of graphite databases you wish to search for edges. Since one can search in multiple databases with different identifiers, converts genes using AnnotationDbi::select and convert metabolites using graphite:::metabolites(). Databases are also used to specify non-edges. If NULL no external database information will be used. See Details for more information


(Optional) Logical indicating whether or not to cluster genes to estimate adjacency matrix. If not specified, set to TRUE if there are > 2,500 genes (p > 2,500). The main use of clustering is to speed up calculation time. If the dimension of the problem, or equivalently the total number of unique genes across all pathways, is large, prepareAdjMat may be slow.

If clustering is set to TRUE, the 0-1 adjacency matrix is used to detect clusters of genes within the connected components. Once gene clusterings are chosen, the weighted adjacency matrices are estimated for each cluster separately using netEst.undir or netEst.dir. Thus, the adjacency matrix for the full network is block diagonal with the blocks being the adjacency matrices from the clusters. Any edges between clusters are set to 0, so this can be thought of as an approximate weighted adjacency matrix. Six clustering algorithms from the igraph package are considered: cluster_walktrap, cluster_leading_eigen, cluster_fast_greedy, cluster_label_prop, cluster_infomap, and cluster_louvain. Clustering is performed on each connected component of size >1,000 genes. To ensure increases in speed, algorithms which produce a maximum cluster size of < 1,000 genes are considered first. Among those, the algorithm with the smallest edge loss is chosen. If all algorithms have a maximum cluster size > 1,000 genes the one with the smallest maximum cluster size is chosen. Edge loss is defined as the number of edges between genes of different clusters. These edges are "lost" since they are set to 0 in the block diagonal adjacency matrix.

If clustering is set to FALSE, the 0-1 adjacency matrix is used to detect connected components and the weighted adjacency matrices are estimated for each connected component.

Singleton clusters are combined into one cluster. This should not affect performance much since the gene in a singleton cluster should not have any edges to other genes.


(Optional) The name of the file which the list of edges is to read from. This file is read in with data.table::fread. Must have 4 columns in the following order. The columns do not necessarily need to be named, but they must be in this specific order:

  • 1st column - Source gene (base_gene_src), e.g. "7534""

  • 2nd column - Gene identifier of the source gene (base_id_src), e.g. "ENTREZID"

  • 3rd column - Destination gene (base_gene_dest), e.g. "8607"

  • 4th column - Gene identifier of the destination gene (base_id_dest) e.g. "UNIPROT"

This information cannot conflict with the user specified non-edges. That is, one cannot have the same edge in file_e and file_ne. In the case where the graph is undirected everything will be converted to an undirected edge or non-edge. Thus if the user specifies A->B as a directed non-edge it will be changed to an undirected non-edge if the graph is undirected. See Details for more information.


(Optional) The name of the file which the list of non-edges is to read from. This file is read in with data.table::fread. The edges in this file are negative in the sense that the corresponding vertices are not connected. Format of the file must be the same as file_e. Again, each observation is assumed to be a directed edge. Thus for a negative undirected edge, input two separate negative edges.

In the case of conflicting information between file_ne and edges identified in a database, user non-edges are used. That is if the user specifies A->B in file_ne, but there is an edge between A->B in KEGG, the information in KEGG will be ignored and A->B will be treated as a non-edge. In the case where the graph is undirected everything will be converted to an undirected edge or non-edge. Thus if the user specifies A->B as a directed non-edge it will be changed to an undirected non-edge if the graph is undirected. See Details for more information.


(Non-negative) a vector or constant. lambda_c is multiplied by a constant depending on the data to determine the actual tuning parameter, lambda, used in estimating the network. If lambda_c is a vector, the optimal lambda will be chosen from this vector using bic.netEst.undir. Note that lambda is only used if the network is undirected. If the network is directed, the default value in netEst.dir is used instead . By default, lambda_c is set to 1. See netEst.undir and netEst.dir for more details.


Logical. Whether or not to penalize diagonal entries when estimating weighted adjacency matrix. If TRUE a small penalty is used, otherwise no penalty is used.


(Non-negative) a small constant needed for estimating the edge weights. By default, eta is set to 0.5. See netEst.undir for more details.


The function prepareAdjMat accepts both network information from user specified sources as well as a list of graphite databases to search for edges in. prepareAdjMat calculates the 0-1 adjacency matrices and runs netEst.undir or netEst.dir if the graph is undirected or directed.

When searching for network information, prepareAdjMat makes some important assumptions about edges and non-edges. As already stated, the first is that in the case of conflicting information, user specified non-edges are given precedence.

prepareAdjMat uses obtainEdgeList to standardize and search the graphite databases for edges. For more information see ?obtainEdgeList. prepareAdjMat also uses database information to identify non-edges. If two genes are identified in the databases edges but there is no edge between them this will be coded as a non-edge. The rationale is that if there was an edge between these two genes it would be present.

prepareAdjMat assumes no information about genes not identified in databases edgelists. That is, if the user passes gene A, but gene A is not found in any of the edges in databases no information about Gene A is assumed. Gene A will have neither edges nor non-edges.

Once all the network and clustering information has been compiled, prepareAdjMat estimates the network. prepareAdjMat will automatically detect directed graphs, rearrange them to the correct order and use netEst.dir to estimate the network. When the graph is undirected netEst.undir will be used. For more information on these methods see ?netEst.dir and ?netEst.undir.

Importantly, prepareAdjMat returns the list of weighted adjacency matrices to be used as an input in NetGSA.


A list with components


A list of weighted adjacency matrices estimated from either netEst.undir or netEst.dir. That is length(Adj) = length(unique(group)). One list of weighted adjacency matrix will be returned for each condition in group. If cluster = TRUE is specified, the length of the list of adjacency matrices for each condition will be the same length as the number of clusters. The structure of Adj is Adj[[condition_number]][[cluster_adj_matrix]]. Note that even when cluster = FALSE the connected components are used as clusters. The last element which is needed for plotting and is passed through to the output of NetGSA is edgelist.


A list of inverse covariance matrices estimated from either netEst.undir or netEst.dir. That is length(invcov) = length(unique(group)). One list of inverse covariance matrix will be returned for each condition in group. If cluster = TRUE is specified, the length of the list of inverse covariance matrices for each condition will be the same length as the number of clusters. The structure of invcov is invcov[[condition_number]][[cluster_adj_matrix]]


A list of values of tuning parameters used for each condition in group. If cluster = TRUE is specified, the length of the list of tuning parameters for each condition will be the same length as the number of clusters.


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also

NetGSA, netEst.dir, netEst.undir


## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

adj_cluster    <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"), cluster = TRUE)
adj_no_cluster <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"), cluster = FALSE)

Prepare pathway dataset needed by NetGSA


Prepare pathway dataset needed by NetGSA. See NetGSA for more details.


preparePathways(db=c("kegg", "MSigDB"), 
           genename= c("EntrezID", "symbol"))



Database to build pathway from. Could be either 'kegg' or 'MSigDB'.


The type of pathways to choose from if db=='MSigDB'.


Whether gene symbol or EntrezID is used.


A list of pathways.


Jing Ma ([email protected])

See Also




#pathwayList <- preparePathways('kegg')

Combine edges from databases into a data.table


Retrieves edges from specified databases and stacks them into one data.table.This is a helper function in prepareAdjMat and should not be called by the user.





Character vector of databases to compile. Should be one of the options from hspaiens in graphite::pathwayDatabases()


This function compiles all the edges from all databases specified into one data.table


A data.table with columns:


Which database the edge comes from


Source gene


Source gene identifier type


Destination gene


Destination gene identifier type


Direction of edge. Either Directed or Undirected


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also


Data matrix p by n


Data matrix p by n




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 2598 rows and 520 columns.

Zoom in on pathway in igraph


Plots the gene to gene interactions for a given pathway in igraph.


zoomPathway(x, pway, graph_layout = NULL)



A NetGSA object returned from calling NetGSA()


Name of pathway to plot


(Optional) Layout function to pass to igraph plots. This function should only take one parameter (an igraph object). For example one might create a custom layout by setting the spring.length and spring.constant with: my_layout <- function(graph) layout_with_graphopt(graph = graph, spring.length = 1000, spring.constant = 0.00004)


Generates igraph plot for gene to gene interactions for a given pathway


No return value, called to zoom to pathway


Michael Hellstern


Ma, J., Shojaie, A. & Michailidis, G. (2016) Network-based pathway enrichment analysis with incomplete network information. Bioinformatics 32(20):165–3174.

See Also




## load the data

## consider genes from the "ErbB signaling pathway" and "Jak-STAT signaling pathway"
genenames    <- unique(c(pathways[[24]], pathways[[52]]))
sx           <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]

db_edges       <- obtainEdgeList(rownames(sx), databases = c("kegg", "reactome", "biocarta"))
adj_cluster    <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = db_edges, cluster = TRUE)
out_cluster    <- NetGSA(adj_cluster[["Adj"]], sx, group, pathways_mat[c(24, 52), rownames(sx)], lklMethod = "REHE", sampling = FALSE, sample_n = 0.1, sample_p = 0.1)

### Cytoscape closed or open
my_layout <- function(graph) layout_with_graphopt(graph = graph, spring.length = 1000, spring.constant = 0.00004)
zoomPathway(out_cluster, "ErbB signaling pathway", my_layout)